Apicoectomy - Salvage your tooth!

Root canal treatment is a go-to procedure when the decay has reached the pulp. At times when it is difficult to retreat the root canal or when the root canal treatment is not successful at resolving infection around the roots of the tooth, you may require the need for an apicoectomy procedure.

The root canal treatment can fail due to various reasons like blocked or inaccessible canal, presence of intricate root canal network or a fracture or crack along the roots of the tooth. The source of infection is accessed through gums rather than the crown of the tooth in case of apicoectomy.

How is it done?

Under local anaesthesia, a small incision is made over the gum and the tip of the root is exposed. A small portion of the tip of the root along with infected surrounding tissue is removed. The end of the root is then sealed with an inert material. A bone graft may then be placed at the affected region followed by suturing of the gum tissue over the tooth's roots. Post-operative instructions would be given and then you can go home.

This procedure requires around 60 to 90 minutes to complete. After the procedure you may experience swelling or discomfort in that region. Antibiotics and painkillers are usually needed to control the discomfort and pain. You can resume normal activities the next day but you need to avoid hard and spicy foods for few days and return for follow-up in a week's time.

Apicoectomy is generally a safe and effective procedure which preserves your tooth for many years to come. It is an important way of saving the tooth without which you might lose that tooth.

If you would like to know more about the procedure, contact us today.

Dr. Shraddha Karkhanis

1 Smile One Care


Periodontist and Oral Implantologist


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